Space Ship Building

There are a couple of buildings in Bishkek which truly represent the socialist modern architecture of the 80’s. With the space race between the Soviet Union and the United States coming to an end in the 70’s, I imagine architects might have drawn their inspiration from a few space related projects. This post also explores the neighborhoods, parks, and monuments near the space ship buildings.


I believe you can rent an apartment in here for around $800 per month

Russian state owned gas station across the street from the space ship building

Novvy Park

Yntymak Park

Victory Park

“Protection, Salvation, Help”

The monument to military valor

Russian Orthodox Cathedral

Not far from the space ship building sits this beautiful domed cathedral. Construction began in the 90’s and was completed around 2015.

Just another Lada

Space Ship Neighborhood

Most of the residential buildings in this neighborhood might have been built in the 70’s. It is known as the 10th Micro district which consists of a few rows of five to ten story apartments. There is also a pedagogy facility in the center of the district. The eighteen story space ship building sits in the corner of the district alongside the Ala-Archa river.

Out patient surgery and proctology clinic advertisement on the right

The writing on this bridge reads, “Ayka will you be my girlfriend?”

Soviet Playground

Atatürk Park

Named after the first President of Turkey Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, this park contains fairground style rides and plenty of space to enjoy a picnic.

Afghan War Memorial

A white tower with a golden statue commemorates the lives lost during the Soviet Unions occupation of Afghanistan in the 80’s. The plaque reads in Kyrgyz and in Russian, “lets not forget the lessons of the past.”


A Sunday Afternoon in Bishkek


Marshrutka to Issyk-Kul