Bazaar Bargains


Osh bazaar is one of many large markets found in the country. This bazaar is a cluster of buildings carved out by a labyrinth of corridors lined with shopkeepers selling an endless supply of clothing items. Other commodities include food, kitchen appliances, kids toys, tools, and a military surplus section. It’s easily one of the busiest places in the country. Items are generally cheaper than in the traditional malls such as VEFA or TSUM. I bought a nice white polo shirt with Kyrgyzstan written on the front for 300 soms. Thats roughly three dollars. I also bought a pair of jeans for five dollars.

Haggling for a lower price is also normal in the bazaar. I once negotiated a pair of dress pants and a Soviet belt. The seller would not budge on the price of the pants after I tried them on in the middle of the hallway. The seller simply held up a towel for my own privacy. It was clear the pants were too big although he insisted they looked perfect. We eventually agreed to knock the price down from 3000 soms to just 2500 soms. The equivalent to around twenty-five US dollars. I agreed to have them hemmed for an extra dollar and made the purchase. Here I was walking around in blue dress pants and a tan pair a fake Yeezy’s I also bought for twenty-five dollars. All I needed was a belt. But I wanted something with style. Luckily the surplus section of the bazaar has a few Soviet items hidden behind all of the “tacticoool” PUBG bags. I found a nice belt with the Soviet hammer and sickle for four dollars. I don’t know why I would find myself ever wearing this but it was a cool find. Funny enough the shop owner was playing PUBG mobile when I approached him to buy the belt. I was finally ready for a night out to Kipish night club in my new outfit!

A beef Samsa and a cup of Kvass all for one dollar

My new Kyrgyzstan Republic shirt


The First 24Hours


A Sunday Afternoon in Bishkek